Achievements, Informative

Alboulok Pediatric Hospital’s Fight for Survival: SAPA’s Collaborative Efforts in War-Torn Sudan

On April 15th, 2023, Sudan plunged into chaos as fighting erupted between the military and a paramilitary group. This conflict quickly escalated, devastatingly impacting the country’s already fragile healthcare system. Doctors warned of a collapsing infrastructure, with over 80% of hospitals in conflict zones ceasing operations.

Amidst this tragedy, Alboulok Pediatric Hospital in Khartoum emerged as a lifeline for children. It remained the only functioning children’s hospital in the war-torn state, but its capacity to serve the community was severely hampered.

SAPA’s Response to The Situation

Recognizing the dire situation, SAPA stepped forward in July 2023. Despite the ongoing conflict, SAPA extended its partnership with the Sudanese Association of Pediatrics (SAP) to bolster Alboulok Hospital. Their primary goal was to create stability within the hospital by ensuring the retention of healthcare workers, uninterrupted flow of medical supplies, and developing medium-term plans to improve healthcare delivery.

Furthermore, SAPA facilitated communication and collaboration between on-site medical professionals and a network of specialized doctors outside Sudan, expanding the hospital’s pool of expertise.

This collaborative effort received a significant boost in November 2023 when UNICEF joined forces with SAPA. Their combined support allowed Alboulok Hospital to enhance the care quality for mothers and children significantly.

Impact (From July 2023 to March 2024)

Over the past 9 months, the hospital has served a staggering number of patients – over 58,000 individuals, with nearly 5,000 children under the age of 5. However, the fight for survival remains an uphill battle. Malnutrition is a leading cause of death, often presenting at a critical stage, making treatment extremely challenging.

SAPA’s Resolve

Despite the ongoing conflict, Alboulok Hospital stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication of healthcare workers and the power of collaboration. With continued support, this beacon of hope can continue to provide life-saving care to Sudan’s most vulnerable population – its children.


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