
Best Islamic Charities in the UK – 2024

With all the people suffering worldwide from hunger, war, poverty, and diseases, it is our moral and religious duty as Muslims and as humans to help out those in distress. However, having access to such organizations that will deliver our donations into the right hands is not just important; it’s crucial. You have the power to choose the right charity.

This blog will primarily feature charitable organizations that raise funds from the UK and are dedicated to assisting Muslims globally. Through their noble efforts, these charities ensure that individuals can fulfill their humanitarian obligations with ease and convenience. 

Importance of UK Islamic Charities in 2024

1. Humanitarian Aid 

Muslim charities provide humanitarian aid to people affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and poverty. They offer emergency relief, such as food, water, shelter, and medical assistance, to those in crisis.

2. Dealing with Poverty 

The efforts of these Islamic charities in the UK help empower individuals and communities to lift themselves out of poverty.

3. Education and Healthcare 

These non-profit organizations help provide education and healthcare in inaccessible areas and to deprived individuals. This helps improve their lifestyle and make communities more progressive. 

4. Helping Orphans 

Many Islamic charities support orphans and vulnerable children, providing them with essential needs such as food, shelter, education, and emotional support.

5. Creating Awareness 

Muslim charities in the UK are not only working to collect and distribute donations. They are also spreading awareness about many issues and crises that are going on around the world, which the mass media is not ready to cover. 


Characteristics of Best Islamic Charities in the UK – 2024

1. Transparency

The best Islamic charities in the UK are committed to transparency, ensuring clear communication between donors, the organization, and beneficiaries. They provide detailed information about their programs and donation methods, allowing donors to track their contributions and witness the impact of their generosity.

2. Efficiency

Leading Islamic charities in the UK prioritize the efficient use of resources, ensuring that donations have a lasting impact on those in need. They minimize administrative costs and wastage, ensuring that funds benefit the intended recipients.

3. Impactful Programs

The top Muslim charities create their programs to address the specific needs of their beneficiaries, aiming to create a positive change in their lives.

4. Following Islamic Principles

They adhere to Islamic principles regarding charity, ensuring that donations are free from interest and offering options for Zakat, Fidya, Sadaqah, and other forms of charitable giving.

5. Innovation

The top Muslim charities are innovative in their approach, constantly seeking new and effective ways to serve their beneficiaries and achieve their goals.

6. Partnerships

They collaborate with other organizations, such as hospitals, food banks, and clean water supply companies, to optimize resources and prevent wastage.

7. Long-term Vision

The best charities in the UK have a long-term vision for their work, aiming to create lasting change and improve the lives of those they serve over time.

8. Flexibility and Adaptability 

They are able to respond quickly to changing needs and circumstances, ensuring that they can continue to effectively serve their beneficiaries.

9. Community Engagement 

The top Islamic charities in the country prioritize community engagement, fostering a sense of togetherness, and building strong, resilient communities.


8 Best Islamic Charities in the UK – 2024

1. SAPA (Sudanese American Physicians Association)

SAPA is a standout charity known for its dedication to enhancing healthcare in Sudan. With a focus on improving primary healthcare and nutrition services, SAPA has treated around 1,148 children under the age of five. Their impact is clear, with 454 children receiving crucial immunizations and specialized clinics offering support for diabetic patients.

While SAPA does not have a functioning office in the UK, it has a huge donor base and excellent online donation facilities, which make it very easy for British Muslims to make their contributions from the comfort of their homes. 

2. Muslim Aid

Muslim Aid is one of the largest and most well-known Islamic charities in the UK. Founded in 1985, it provides humanitarian assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and poverty. Muslim Aid’s projects include emergency relief, healthcare, education, and livelihood programs in countries around the world. The charity is known for its transparency and accountability and is committed to ensuring that donations reach those most in need.

3. Islamic Relief UK 

Islamic Relief is a global organization that has been present in the UK since 1984. They are committed to providing food aid, clean water, healthcare, and education to vulnerable populations.

4. Human Appeal 

Human Appeal is a well-established UK charity founded in 1991. They provide aid globally, focusing on emergency relief, healthcare, education, and sustainable development. They support vulnerable communities in the UK, addressing issues such as poverty and homelessness. Human Appeal is known for its impactful and sustainable approach to helping people. 

5. Muslim Hands

Muslim Hands is a UK-based international aid agency and NGO established in 1993. Muslim Hands operates in over 50 countries worldwide, providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and poverty. They are constantly seeking new and effective ways to address the needs of those they serve.

6. Penny Appeal 

Penny Appeal UK is a humanitarian charity and international development organization based in the United Kingdom. Established in 2009, the charity focuses on providing poverty relief and development assistance to communities in need around the world. Their philosophy is ‘small change, big difference.’

7. Orphans in Need

Orphans in Need UK is a charity that helps orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide. Since 2005, they’ve been committed to improving these children’s lives by giving them access to education, healthcare, and other important services.

8. Transparent Hands 

Transparent Hands UK is a branch of Transparent Hands, a non-profit organization based in Pakistan. Transparent Hands UK works to raise funds and awareness for the organization’s projects in Pakistan, helping to support medical treatments for patients in need.



In conclusion, supporting Islamic charities in the UK is not just a moral and religious duty; it is a crucial step towards helping those in need worldwide. The ten best Islamic charities listed here are known for their transparency, efficiency, impactful programs, adherence to Islamic principles, innovation, partnerships, long-term vision, flexibility, adaptability, and community engagement. By donating to these charities, individuals can make a real difference in the lives of those who are suffering and contribute to building a better world for all.



How can I donate to these Islamic charities in the UK in 2024?

Donations to these charities can be made online through their websites, over the phone, by bank transfer, or by setting up a regular donation.

Are donations to these charities tax-deductible?

Yes, donations to registered charities in the UK are usually tax-deductible. Donors should check with the charity or a tax advisor for specific details.

Can I volunteer with these Islamic charities in the UK?

Yes, many of these charities offer volunteering opportunities. Interested individuals should contact the charity directly for more information.

How can I ensure that my donation is being used effectively?

The best way to ensure that your donation is being used effectively is to donate to reputable charities with a track record of transparency and accountability. These charities often provide regular updates and reports on their projects, allowing donors to see the impact of their donations.

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